Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Three peas in a Pod

A song by Bette Korber and James Theiler, sung to "Clean-o" by Woodie Guthrie, played with Brent Berry and Peter Oviatt.


This little song is about our sweet small friends at OnePea Pod (OPP) Farm: Auggie, Storrie, 'Lena, and Smokey a sweet pup well on his way to Pyrenees Greatness. Thanks to their papa, Don, for all the wonderful photos from the farm to make this video. The song is dedicated to their mama, Val, and to their grandma Annette, and great-grandma Judy, a musical album to remember some of the many good things that happened in 2022 (like Auggie!). 

OPP farm is in the Far Away in Northern New Mexico. The sky is their living room, and Taos Mountain and the Rio Grande and are their good neighbors, and the furred and feathered folk their company. The song is sung to the tune of an old nursery song, Clean-o, that Woody Guthrie wrote. Pete Seeger (through his Woody Guthrie album), as well as my sister Dorothy, sang it to me many times 60 years ago. 

My husband James and I came up with these words while we were off to get our Christmas tree, this winter of 2022. 

 #sheepdog #smallfarm #childrensongs #GreatPyrenees #MerryChristmas