A pear tree is blooming
An ancient battlesite
Komuso Zen Priest Playing Shakuhachi While Wearing an Excellent Hat.
In winter our pear tree has a gnarled grace, rough black bark, jagged silhouette on sky. Then in early Spring she covers herself in delicate white blossoms, and the scent of spring becomes delicious. In Fall, as the pears become ripe, branches are bent under heavy fruits. There is a particular bliss in sinking your teeth into the luscious sweet softness of a ripe pear, nothing else like it. Pears are long time friends to us, so the moment of heaven that accompanies an eyes-closed bite into a pear has a long echo into our deep past. Ancient Celtic, Chinese, Japanese, Greek peoples all enjoyed pears, as pears have been with us for quite a while, and so all knew this moment of rapture.
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